Friday, April 5, 2019

Infamous Deeds Of Vincent ST Chan Family Members

Infamous Deeds Of Vincent ST Chan Family Members


As I have yet to hear from you after more than a week now, I can't help but to put it to you that your silence is an admission of guilt. If you don't agree that I should treat this as my final plea to you for closure of the case for whatever reasons best known to you only at this point in time, then say something.  Otherwise, so Be It.  I Rest My Case. 

Let me comment on your so-called “Family Traditions and Values” which all of you boastfully claimed to uphold (and that I have none) …....

You accused me of stealing stamps which you sent from UK. How many of them? A full album set of stamps? As far as I can remember, those were just coupon or booklet containing few stamps - new and some fanciful stamps offered for sale to the public (by post). Those stamps were Cheap and NOT rare stamps. If they were rare stamps …. would the stamp agency in UK offered to sell you so cheaply by post? Come on.. who are you kidding? Dont try to pull a fast one when you are not a philatelic expert . I have personally purchased these stamps for my own collection long before you even started stamp collecting.

Anyway, I have never denied your allegation and I did offer my sincere apology to you and even to compensate you in our previous exchange of emails. Fortunately, you confirmed that you have already taken or rather “stolen” the stamps back. …. Thanks to God and my late parents who watched over me

I have the courage to admit and apologise for my wrong doing and even to compensate you (which you turned down). But on the other hand, you are not man enough to admit your wrong doings. I am surprised that a man of your standing, a Merit Scholarship holder (It's not a big deal), GM/Consultant/Director of an international organisation in the engineering/building industry can stooped so low as to dishonestly steal my Personal Items/Belongings (and without mentioning further those personal assets of my late parents) and then hide behind the covered veil in the name of “Family Traditions and Values” So this is how your mother had brought you up – to be a thief.

Together with your family members: Chen Hock Meng, Agnes Saw, Teresa Tseng and Liew Soon Keow, you have looted my Personal Items … and I might as well go on to include the old sofa set and the Slumber single bed.... All of you ( Liew Soon Keow, Teresa Tseng and you being the greatest culprits ) had methodically planned to usurp my rightful ownership and authority over my Personal Items... steal them and claimed they are yours. In terms of value which one has a higher value -your cheapskate stamps or my Personal Items or my late parents Personal Assets (Antiques, Title Deed, etc...)?

I am redirecting your own quote taken from your previou email ... “You stoop too low to be worthy of the surname of the family … English gentleman who said we should respond according to whether the other side is honorable or dishonourable.”..(and I add honest or dishonest). which fits you and family members very well and more the description.

No wonder NONE of you had the courage to acknowledge publicly and face the truth of the infamous deeds of your very own father Tseng Shih Ping- who committed suicide because of falsifying the company accounts to cheat the royal family members of Johore.,... the missing Title Deed, the unauthorised disposal of my late parents' personal assets e.g. antiques, etc... too many to mention.

As for Hock Meng: I will not pick on you as we have little personal contact with each other. But that does not mean that I can let you off the hook. If I wanted to, I can easily confront you with all those other facts that are not in your interest from the time you were in the shipyard industry. I will by pass this …...

But as parents, you have indeed brought up a “wonderful” son to be a play boy who is trained to impregnate every female he comes across.... He certainly has the incorrgible genes of his grandfather the infamous Tseng Shih Ping. Family Traditions and Values???

Agnes: You are lucky to have married to the Saw family … which benefits your two children because of their surname Saw …. at least they do not have to bear the brunt and shame of the infamous deeds of their good-for-nothing “wai kong” and those other details that cannot be told.. They can be excused for not acknowledging the infamous Tseng Shih Ping ….

As a former teacher, you are not spared.

Some years back, my wife organised a get-together at the suggestion by See Ann's wife to have lunch at a well-known sea-food stall at Chinatown Hawker Food Complex. In attendance were, my wife, your mother, Teresa, you and your daughter and See Ann's wife.

Your mother made a shocking and unrefined request to change the place because your daughter Did Not like the environment at Chinatown Hawker Food Complex. My wife graciously changed the venue to another better restaurant one located in the Orchard Road area with air-conditioning.

What's the moral of this get-together lunch? It was not about the money ….. it was about those hungry people from Africa and other remote places who can hardly find any place and food to feed themselves …. and here you have a young girl who is a pampered cinderalla live like a rich tycoon's daughter can be so choosy about the environment. So this is how you as both teacher/mother and grand mother brought up the child and educate her as a spoilt brat.... So this is your understanding and interpretation of “Family Traditions and Values”!!!

Another scenario – at the funeral wake of my late mother inlaw. The place was crowded with relatives and friends etc from my in-law's side paying their last respect. A donation collector was going round to collect donations. Visitors were queing for their turn to make their donations.... You were standing behind the queue near the table where my wife and I were sitting. You were about to make a donation when there was a minor confusion at the queue caused by visitors walking criss-cross... There was some distraction to the donation collector.... and you took the opportunity to walk away with your hand tugged inside the hand bag as you walked away without making the donation.

I am not concerned with your action and behaviour - This incident had nothing to do with me … whether or not you make any donation .... but it so happened that your action was so obvious that you just cannot escape the notice of those visitors sitting around the table. Is this another crap of your “Family Traditions and Values” which totally disregard respect and compassion at a funeral wake?

In conclusion, dont give me all those craps about your Family Traditions and Values . In effect you have none... other than the Legacy inherited from your father, the infamous Tseng Shih Ping. You Do Not Practise what you preach ….or You preach but practise dishonestly and in a different way that suits you. Does it sound like hypocrisy amongst all of you.? All I can say is that you are all a bunch of Sly, Dishonest, Greedy Thieves .......

I am surprised that a man of your standing, a Merit Scholarship holder (It's not a big deal), GM/Consultant/Director of an international organisation in the engineering/building industry can stoop so low as to dishonestly steal my Personal Items (without mentioning further those personal assets of my late parents) and then hide behind the covered veil in the name of “Family Traditions and Values” So this is how your mother had brought up all of you to steal.... No wonder all of you do not have the courage to acknowledge and face the truth of the infamous deeds of your very own father - who committed suicide as a result of falsifying the company accounts to cheat the royal family members of Johore., the missing Title Deed, the unauthorised disposal of my late parents' personal assets e.g. antiques, etc... too many to mention.

Who is the Honourable and the Dishonourable? Honest and Dishonest, etc...etc.... ?

I reserve my right to bring you to Court, compelling you to take an oath before the lawful Judge to swear by God that you and members of your family do not have/possess any of my personal belongings and that what is written in the email messages is nothing but the truth, without further reference to you. Lets wash your dirty linen in the public.

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